Youth: No need to raise price of petrol

SHAH ALAM, 2 Oct: The leaders of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) are of the opinion that there is no need to reduce the RO95 petrol and diesel subsidy, which contributes to the increase of the fuel price by 20 cents per litre, which is drastically and came into effect midnight yesterday.

The PAS Youth Chief, Suhaizan Kaiat, said that this drastic action by Putrajaya caused chaos and panic among the people who flocked to fill up on petrol at the last minutes before 12 am this morning.

“Is there no room for the people to provide feedback and suggestions to help the government meet the expenses of the country?

“Are the thinkers in the country devoid of ideas to a point of taking this drastic measure to increase fuel prices without considering the impact and effect it has on the people,” he said in a statement.

PAS Youth also slammed that proposal to increase the granting of the 1 Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) which is said to be just providing lip service.

“It looks like that people do not have much choice but to tighten their belts, work longer hours, find additional sources of income and extra work to support their families,” stressed Suhaizan.

Meanwhile, the DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) is of the opinion that the increase in fuel prices will have direct impact on the prices of other essential goods.

DAPSY is of the opinion that Putrajaya should perform cost savings through a more serious eradication of corruption before increasing the burden of ordinary citizens.

“As it is well known, each time the price of RON95 or diesel rises, everything will go up in tandem.

“BN has to show us the need to reduce the subsidy, and where will the savings go?” questioned the DAPSY Publicity Secretary’s Assistant, Rajiv Rishyakaran.

Yesterday the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) announced that the price of the RON95 petrol will be sold at RM2.30 per litre and diesel will be sold at RM2.20 per litre starting 12 am this morning.

The last increase in fuel prices for the RON95 petrol was on September 2, 2013, by 20 cents; from RM1.90 to RM2.10, while diesel was from RM1.80 to RM2.00.


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