Water agreement threatened of not being implemented?

HULU KELANG, 10 Oct: The Federal Government should immediately finalise the water restructuring agreement which was signed with the Selangor government because the agreement is being threatened.

Chief Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali expressed his concern as there are new developments that may lead to the agreement being unable to be implemented.

I do not want to disclose it now. The threat is at the Federal Government’s level.


“We want the water restructuring issue to be finalised so that water supply to consumers will no longer be an issue,” he told the media after the thanksgiving ceremony at the Al Imam mosque in Hulu Kelang yesterday.

Azmin, who is also the Assemblyman for Bukit Antarabangsa, also hopes that the agreement is respected by all parties.

“But all parties must respect the implementation of this restructuring,” he said.

Azmin also informed that he has written a letter to the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Datuk Seri Mazimus Ongkili, to give permission to the Selangor government to disclose the contents of the agreement to the public.

He said that he has received three copies of the three water restructuring agreements; however the document is protected by the Official Secrets Act (OSA).

“All three agreements are bound by the OSA.

“This is not about security, there is no reason to protect it,” he said.


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