Selangor budget to benefit all

KLANG, 20 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, gave an assurance that the minority community in this state will not be left behind in Selangor’s development.

He said that the Selangor Budget 2015 which will be presented in November will prove that Pakatan Rakyat is attentive to everyone’s needs.


“When the Exco and I formulated the Budget 2015, I wanted to state that it is development in nature because we want to make Selangor as a development state that brings benefits to not just one race, but benefits everyone irrespective of race and religion.

“I also want to give assurance that the minority community will be included in Selangor’s development to allow the people to enjoy the development because the wealth of this state should be translated into the form of development” he said when officiating the Deepavali celebration here at Jalan Tengku Kalana yesterday.

Also present was the Chief Minister’s wife, Shamsidar Taharin, and State Government Executive Council members.

Azmin, who is also the Assemblyman for Bukit Antarabangsa, also criticised the move by the Federal Government to allocate a budget of 82 percent for management and only 18 percent for development.

He said that the practice is not something that is good because it will not be able to generate the nation’s economic growth and defend the people’s wellbeing.

“We cannot spend a lot to manage like allowances, salary and so on. That is why, as the Chief Minister, I announced that the salary of the Chief Minister must be cut for the wellbeing of the people.

“The salary for the Exco, Speaker and Deputy Speaker will also be cut. But the salary of Assemblymen will be maintained because the salary increase for Assemblymen for year 2013 is reasonable with their duties and responsibilities,” he added.


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