CM experiences spraying paddy fertilizer in Sekinchan

SABAK BERNAM, 24 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, had a working visit today to the district of Sabak Bernam with state government leaders.

This is the fourth fieldwork activity he has carried out since he was appointed as the Chief Minister on September 23.


Today’s visit began at the Monthly Assembly Meeting with civil servants at the Seri Bernam Hall.

The activity continued with a visit to the Desa Kasih PPRT Village which was hit by floods on October 8.

Mohamed Azmin visited the area and found that the irrigation system in the village has a major problem which caused the flood to happen for four days earlier this month.


He also heard the briefing by the Sabak Bernam Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS) and approved provisions amounting to RM600,000 for the restructuring of the irrigation system in the village.

He was then taken to the Bagan Sekinchan Fishermen’s Jetty to personally hear the problems of the fishermen who experienced difficulties with the status of the fisheries jetty construction on the land owned by the Selangor Water Management Board (LUAS) and the area to gather fish.

The Selangor government proposed for the land that has been built on for the convenience of the jetty to be gazetted as a public reserve and to be leaser for a long time.


All these suggestions depend on agreement between the fishermen’s association and the state government.

Right after that, Mohamed Azmin visited the Side B Paddy Fields in addition to taking the opportunity to personally experience using the fertilizer spray machine.

He also managed to carry out the Friday Prayers at the Nurul Alaniah Mosque in Sekinchan and took the opportunity to mingle with the parishioners.


He said that the construction of the mosque is not to compete with any other mosques with thicker carpets and cooler air-conditioning, but the necessities should be prioritised.

Before ending his working visit in Sabak Bernam, Mohamed Azmin managed to visit the Sekolah Rendah Agama Harmoni Sekinchan to see the learning conditions and the atmosphere of the school.

“When mingling with the children here, I remembered my experience working as a Mathematics teacher at the Terendak MARA Science Primary College,” said Azmin.


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