Ex-Federal Court Judge Anwar’s defence lawyer

PUTRAJAYA, 28 Oct: The PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, surprises in the appeal case in the Federal Court today when he was being represented by former Federal Court Judge, Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram, as his leading defence counsel against the prosecution led by Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.

Anwar said that his lead counsel Datuk Sulaiman Abdullah was unwell due to a recent leg surgery a couple of months ago.


“Gopal approached us last week.

“We have a former Federal Court Judge (as the lead defence counsel)..I am prepared mentally, but I have little home,” Anwar said.

Anwar said that Hollywood actor, Mel Gibson, contacted called him to ask whether the ‘Lethal Weapon’ star should issue a statement.

“He told me, the one thing I learned from you (Anwar) is to not enter politics” Anwar shared about his brief chat with Gibson.


Meanwhile, “Reformasi” (reformation) chants resounded at the compound of the Palace of Justice in support for Anwar.

An estimate of over a thousand Pakatan Rakyat supporters, including local and international media practitioners, followed the hearing today.

Anwar, who arrived at 8.30 am with his wife and children, was greeted by reformation chants with the Chief Minister of Selangor, Mohamed Azmin Ali.

The five-man panel of Federal Court Judges is led by Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria, assisted by the Court of Appeal President, Tan Sri Md Raus Sharif, Federal Court Judge Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Ebong, Tan Sri Suriyadi Omar and Tan Sri Ahmad Maarop.


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