Anwar advises supporters to observe manners, do not provoke

PUTRAJAYA, 29 Oct: The defence team of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, led by former Federal Court Judge Tan Sri Gopal Sri Ram, today finished his argument.

It is understood that tomorrow Ram Karpal Singh will continue the rest of the argument and followed by the prosecution team led by Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, taking turns to argue in the afternoon.


The argument proceedings are expected to end on October 31.

After over eight hours in court, Anwar finally left the Palace of Justice Complex, accompanied by his wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and other members of his family, as well as his counsel and friends from Pakatan Rakyat component parties.

Anwar, however, managed to speak a little in front of supporters and left the court compound as he had family matters to attend to.

In a brief statement, he advised his supporters to observe manners and actions, and discuss with the police without any provocation.

“Thank you for your sacrifice and Insya Allah it can be resolved well and pray. Control (your manners) a little. Do not provoke. Follow the instructions of the leaders.

“I have said that the problem is not with the police. Every time there is a problem negotiate immediately and well.

“Do not provoke. Negotiate if it (problems) arises.

“Tomorrow it (the arguments) will be continued. If we follow the law we do not have a problem,” he said.


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