Anwar’s case: “SB staying in court, but sleeping”

PUTRAJAYA, 31 Oct: The division of entry passes given to allow 15 special branch police officers to enter the Federal Court Trial Room is not fair.

The PKR Election Director, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, said that the room given is limited; 15 for the media and international observers, 10 for parliamentarians and the rest is given to the special branch.


“They enter and some of them sit next to me, but are sleeping.

“The issue is why up to 15 passes are given the special branch when reporters are also given only 15 passes?” he said the media in front of Trial Room 1 of the Federal Court.

He explained that the room given is limited with a few close relatives of Anwar, 15 passes for the media, international observers and diplomats, while the rest are allocated for as many as 15 special branch police officers.

“So we have one more day, Monday, we ask for several special branch slots to be removed.

“It cannot be that supporters can only gather within a range of 100 metres. The place in the court has also been taken on grounds of being on duty. Two or three people would do.

“Please provide fairer space because this is a high profile case, there is no need for so many special branch police officers,” he added.


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