CM: “80% of my time I go down to understand the people’s problems”

SHAH ALAM, 4 Nov: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, enjoys working in the field near the people across Selangor to receive feedback and understand the problems they face.

Since he was appointed to the post over a month ago, most of his time is spent in working visits around Selangor.


Mohamed Azmin said that he will carry out his responsibilities with trust to ensure that the welfare of the people of Selangor is protected.

In jest, he said that he feels younger and more energetic to serve the people.

“I am 50 years of age but I look 25 because I was mandated to work. Not to sit on the 21st floor (Chief Minister’s office).


“Yes, at times I am there, but 80 percent of my time I am down to understand the people’s problems,” he said.

He said this at the Selangorku Free of Dengue 2014 Action Plan Launch Ceremony and the Mega Gotong-Royong Programme: “Terjah and Destroy Aedes Selangor 2014′ Launch.


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