Sultan: Do not hastily criticise Fatwa without fully understanding it

SHAH ALAM, 6 Nov: The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, urged Muslims to not hastily criticise the fatwa issued without fully understanding it.

He said that a fatwa cannot just be done or determined by the Mufti, but it has to be done through the Fatwa Committee which consists of scholars and professionals who are experts in their respective fields.


“They will discuss and determine a law after taking into consideration the laws in the al-Quran, hadith and related holy books.

“A fatwa done in Selangor will only be valid after receiving my agreement and approval,” said the Sultan at the Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Multaqa and Shariah Criminal Code Seminar officiating ceremony at the Silver Jubilee Hall near here today.

The Sultan said that Muslims should be confident with sincerity, united and strong of mind to understand all teachings of Islam, in addition to overcoming ideology and political interest.

The Sultan said that as a religion that is complete and comprehensive in nature, Islam is moderate in all aspects, whether creed, shariah or character to serve the demands of the spirit and body.

“This attitude of moderation is the main feature that differentiated Islam with other religions.

“As explained in the al-Quran, clearly the concept of moderation promoted by Islam is comprehensive in nature and includes all aspects of our daily lives at all times and place,” added the Sultan.

In the meantime, Sultan Sharafuddin also reminded Muslims to understand and explore all rules and laws of Allah as enshrined in the al-Quran.

“It is so that there is no contention and strife among Muslims in implementing religious matters, causing the dignity of Islam to fall, easily ridiculed and disputed by irresponsible parties,” the Sultan said.

The event was also attended by the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali; the Brunei National Mufti, Pehin Dati Seri maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Dr Awang Abdul Aziz Juned; the Selangor Mufti, Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abdul Wahid and state government leaders.


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