CM rides on a lorry, visits evacuation centres

KOTA BHARU, 27 Dec: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, was willing to ride on a Kota Bharu Municipal Council (MPKB) lorry to visit flood locations in Kuala Krai yesterday.

However, Mohamed Azmin’s delegation could not pursue the intention further when the lorry was not allowed through areas that were feared to be too deep.


Mohamed Azmin, together with his Political Secretary, Shuhaimi Shafiei, his private secretary, Muhammad Hilman Idham, and state Exco members, Dr Daroyah Alwi and Amirudin Shari, as well as the Chairman of Selangor Humanitarian Aid Mission Association (PANTAS), Hamsah Djabir, then visited Jalan Kota Bharu-Kuala Krai to meet with residents in nearby areas.

The visit was also joined by the Kelantan Women, Family and Welfare Exco, Mumtaz Mohd Nawi, and several state PKR leaders.

The delegation was also welcomed by the residents who did not think that Mohamed Azmin was willing to get off the lorry and go through floods reaching the height of his waist.

Some flood victims who were stranded also rode on the lorry Mohamed Azmin was on to go to a safer area.

Mohamed Azmin then met the Vice President of PAS, Datuk Husam Musa, before being taken to the evacuation centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Kota, Jalan Salor.

He and Husam spent time with the flood victims and identified the essential goods that can be channelled through PANTAS.

Mohamed Azmin is expected to continue his desire to visit flood victims in Kuala Krai to personally look at the situation there today.


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