Exco: KAFA teachers’ allowances will increase next year

SHAH ALAM, 10 Apr: The allowances of Al-Quran and Fardhu Ain Classes (KAFA) teachers will be increased to RM1,500 next year after the justification of period of service issue is solved.

The Exco for Islam, Malay Customs, Rural Development and Traditional Villages, Datuk Dr Yunus Hairi, said that it is expected to be implemented next year after it is tabled at the State Government Executive Council meeting.

He acknowledged that the increase is not significant due to the low financial implication of RM18 million a year because it involves just over 6,000 teachers.

“We can decide it anytime. For this year, there will not be but it will be implemented at latest by next year,” he told Selangor Kini.

During the Umno-BN administration, the allowances of KAFA teachers in Selangor was only RM250 to RM700, but since Pakatan Rakyat took power, it was increased to RM1,000 to RM1,300.

He said that the delay in the increase was the justification valuation of the length of service of 8,117 teachers that varied.

“There are three months, five years and 15 years. So we need to take into account the period to be fair,” he said.

Yunus also did not deny that the increase is part of the 13th General Election manifesto and promised to solve it as soon as possible.


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