5 illegal stalls asked to stop trading

KLANG, 23 Apr: Five stalls that have been operating without licence around the Bandar Sultan Suleiman industrial area received a notice of business termination from the Klang Municipal Council (MPK).

The MPK Corporate Communications Head, Norfiza Mahfiz, said that the 14-day notice needs to be complied with by traders or they may face decisive actions, including seizure.


She said that this is because the business carried out caused various problems concerning the cleanliness aspect, in addition to affecting the image of nearby areas.

“MPK will also hold talks with the Land and District Office (PTD) because the location of the stalls are on road reserves. Any operation, including demolition, must go through relevant agencies, she said in a statement.

She said that traders found to be stubborn or continue operations even though MPK has provided a site would cause the problem to recur.


She said that MPK will actively continue to clean up the district of Klang from illegal activities under the local government’s regulations, especially involving illegal traders and foreign workers.

“MPK will not prevent local traders from conducting business, but they must have valid licences, while foreigners are not eligible to apply for any business licence,” she said.


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