Former Deputy Minister: Many BN MPs do not stay in their own area

May 2: Barisan Nasional (BN) should not make the distance between Kajang and Permatang Pauh an issue to attack Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah’s capability of serving the two areas.

This is because most of the BN Cabinet Ministers do not live in their area but in the Klang Valley.

The Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries, Datuk Sharif Omar, said that what is more interesting is when the Rompin Member of Parliament, the late Tan Sri Jamaluddin Jarjis, who recently died, carried out two duties to a point where he had to stay in New York.


“Apart from being the Rompin MP, he also served as the Malaysian Ambassador in the United States of America. He lives in New York. BN did not make it an issue.

“This is New York you know, not nearby. But for Kak Wan, the distance between Kajang and Permatang Pauh is made an issue,” said Sharif in his speech at the Seberang Jaya Expo Site last night.

Meanwhile, the Exco for Welfare, Caring Society and Environment, Phee Boon Poh, said that BN should think about important issues such as 1MBD and not to play up petty issues.

“1MDB is 1Malaysia Dalam Bahaya (1Malaysia In Danger) because suddenly over RM40 billion of our money is lost,” said Boon Poh.


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