Immature to question Nazri’s trip to Sekinchan

SHAH ALAM, 22 Jun: Actions of UMNO Sungai Besar leaders that question the arrival of the Minister of Tourism in Sekinchan in order to promote tourism products were deemed unprofessional.

Sekinchan assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim, said the action was also immature and not thinking outside the box.


“Sekinchan has become an eco-tourism destination.

“As the Minister of Tourism, he definitely holds the responsibility to promote Sekinchan on an international level,” he said to SelangorKini.

He said the invitation of Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was not politically motivated and was even satisfied that he attended despite them having differences in political views.

“Nazri Aziz is not just an UMNO minister. He is a national minister.

“Do not behave like this. Now that we follow the times, we can work together with other parties if it is for the well-being of the rakyat,” he said.

Prior to that, the Sungai Besar division of UMNO considered the action of the Minister of Culture and Tourism of organising a work visit to Sekinchan as disrespectful of the UMNO division’s leadership.


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