CM: I cannot allow colonisation of the mind

SHAH ALAM, 31 Aug: The principles of freedom and justice stressed by the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, should be upheld in order to protect the people’s welfare.

The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that it is time to revisit the meaning of independence as proclaimed by the father of the country 58 years ago.


“He stressed that this independent and sovereign country should be governed on the principles of freedom and also justice in addition to always caring, prioritising welfare and the wellbeing of the people.

“The meaning of independence stressed by Tunku Abdul Rahman means upholding the principles of justice that will bring about peace and prosperity,” he said in conjunction with the 58th Independence Day celebration yesterday.

He said that the people of Selangor should be united in facing the economic crisis and the political unrest that has hit the country at the moment because it may alter the fundamental principles of independence.

“The people have asked what is the economic situation today that would be able to ensure sustainable growth and after 50 years of independence, the country’s wealth can ensure distribution fairness?


“So, with this, make it our duty to revive the meaning of independence that is waning, sweep the dirt that is covering the sour and body of the country. This should be done with an independent spirit and not a soul of slavery.

“The government cannot place aside and underestimate the voice of thousands of people gathering peacefully to commemorate Merdeka to unitedly save the country and move forward to build a strong and prosperous Malaysia,” he said.

He said that the people should also maintain the country’s independence in totality by avoiding colonisation of the mind to guarantee a bright future for all children of the country.

“The spirit of patriotism plays a very important role as often expressed that love of the motherland is part of faith.

“Patriotism cannot justify the suppression of human against human and it is a form of mind colonialism today.

“Military-style invasion has left this blessed land but oppression and exploitation by foreign invaders have now moved to the natives through the mind,” he said.


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