Haze: Over 3,000 masks handed out

SHAH ALAM, 15 Sept: The state government today distributed over 3,000 masks to students and teachers from 130 kindergartens across the state that are participating in Simulasi Haji Cilik Perdana at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque.

The Exco for Health, Dr Daroyah Alwi, said that parents play an important role in monitoring the movement of children so that there are not exposed and vulnerable to risks stemming from this haze problem.


She said that children are most at risk, especially those suffering from asthma.

“Parents are advised to not allow their children to play outdoors, instead they should only carry out indoor activities.

“Make sure that they drink enough water to maintain hydration and make sure that they have enough rest,” said Dr Daroyah.

Dr Daroyah said that parents have to always be sensitive of their children’s health.

“If they begin to show signs after being continuously exposed to haze, immediately seek treatment and doctor’s advice at the nearest clinic,” he said.


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