Poor Tahfiz Institutions to receive modernisation boost next year

SABAK BERNAM, 26 Sept: Tahfiz Institutions that are in poor and needy conditions will be given a new look with restoration and the addition of new blocks in 2016.

The Chief Minister of Selangor, Azmin Ali, said that the planned institution modernisation is included in the Selangor Budget 2016 which will be tabled later.


“Is this the image of Islam? How are we going to convince the people out there if the development of Tahfiz Institutions cannot be managed well while the demand is high?

“So, this is our desire to see these institutions not only repaired, but upgraded with new blocks complete with laboratories, lecture halls and dormitories for our children to continue their studies,” he said.

He said this at the Chief Minister’s Premier Qurban Programme at Sabak Bernam at the Sultan Hishamuddin Mosque in Pekan Sabak yesterday.

He said that the move to empower these religious institutions is not to just produce graduates with strong religious beliefs, but smart in science and technology.

“The generation that is able to master the world of science with strong roots in faith can take Selangor to a greater level in the future,” he said.

Prior to this, Mohamed Azmin was given a briefing by the officials from the Public Works Department (JKR) before his working visit to the site to develop the Tahfiz Institution in Bagan Terap.

Selangor Kini understands that the upgrading of Tahfiz Institutions in Selangor will be initiated on a 100 acre plot of land in Bagan Terap, Sabak Bernam.

During the visit, Mohamed Azmin managed to visit a number of buildings that are still strong and beautiful but requires some renovation to become a Tahfiz Institution.


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