TPPA threatens national sovereignty

PETALING JAYA, 14 Oct: The negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) may threaten the country’s sovereignty if Malaysia agrees to sign the agreement along with 11 other countries.

The Klang MP, Charles Santiago, said that many decisions can be challenged by outside countries if it is not in their favour.


“The sovereignty of the country will be challenged. Some decisions made, for example court decisions, can also be challenged.

“This will challenge and have implications on the national sovereignty,” he said.

As a panelist in the ‘TPPA: Malaysia Sold?’ forum organised by the Independent People’s Coalition, he said that absence of the full details about the agreement makes it difficult for many people to study it in more detail.

He stressed that the details of the agreement must be translated into Malay so that the public can access it.

“The details of the TPPA is expected to have nearly 3,000 pages,” he said.


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