The People of Sarawak Will Receive Land Rights If Pakatan Rules


SARATOK, 14 Jan: Just like in Selangor, the people of Sarawak would potentially receive land ownership should Pakatan Rakyat (PR) be given the mandate to govern the country in the upcoming 13th General Elections (GE-13).

According to the Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, Sarawak is a state that is rich and has a lot of land resources, however the people are not given the opportunity to work the land.

“Although Sarawak is a rich state, however the people are not able to feel its development.

One of the responsibilities if we win at Putrajaya is that we must show that the people of Sarawak will receive land ownership rights and will be granted land so that they can own it.

“That way not only can they earn, but they will also be able to develop their family in a better way,” he said yesterday when officiating Rumah Unding in Ulu Krian.

Also present, was the Health, Plantation Workers, Poverty and Caring Government Exco, Dr Xavier Jayakumar and Krian Assemblyman, Ali Biju.

Rumah Unding that has 20 units (doors) was fully funded by the Selangor State Government that extended RM360,000 to build it.

More than 200 residents of the longhouse lost their homes after it burned down in a fire two years ago.

In the meantime, Abdul Khalid also stressed that good development refers to the way a government passes the wealth of the country to all citizens.

“In the development of the country, what is important is how we can pass down the property wealth to the people because if the state is rich but the people are poor, thus the development is not right.

“I hope that this is what Pakatan Rakyat can endeavour if it manages to govern the country,” he added.


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