Academic Freedom Forum: 12,000 Witnessed Live Broadcast on TV Selangor


KUALA LUMPUR, 23 JAN: More than 12,000 viewers witnessed the online live broadcast of the Academic Freedom and Rights Forum which was transmitted by TV Selangor from the Chinese Assembly Hall here last night.

The amount recorded is encouraging because audiences, apart from those in Malaysia, were from all over the world such as Brunei, Singapore, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and other places.

The forum that lasted for more than four hours featured a panel which consisted of Constitutional Expert, Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, Dr Maszlee Malik and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) law student KS Bawani as well as moderator, Muhammad Kamil Abdul Munim from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).

The forum was organised by the Independent Youth Group (Kami) and Youth Solidarity Malaysia (SAMM) which also successfully managed to attract 200 spectators who were present to witness the forum.

The academic freedom forum was organised to provide clarification on the incident involving Bawani who was denied the right to speak by the President of 1Malaysia Women’s Voice, Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin in a forum at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) on the 8th of January.

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