ABU Prevents Foreigners from Voting, Claims 2 Million Received MyKad


KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Apr: Asalkan Bukan Umno (ABU – Anything But Umno) will be mobilising a special squad to ensure that foreigners who were given MyKads do not vote during the 13th General Elections (GE-13).

Team Abu Halang Asing Ngundi (Tahan) which has been trained for the past two months will be stationed at every polling station has their own way of identifying foreign nationals who have been given Malaysian Identification Cards.

ABU spokesman, Haris Ibrahim, described the influx of foreigners into the country who were given MyKads by the Umno-BN coalition as an ‘armed aggression by using MyKads’.

“Through ABU’s checking of the electoral roll, 253,000 names have the 71 code in the middle of the identity card number.

“Through information from the internal resources of the National Registration Department (NRD), two million foreigners have been given MyKads,” he said in a press conference.

Haris stressed that the Tahan Squad initiative will be carried out peacefully and is ABU’s follow-up effort of distributing warning flyers to foreigners to not come out to vote on the GE-13.

To date, nearly 400,000 flyers have been distributed throughout the country.

Haris added that ABU will defend the rights of Malaysians to choose leaders and prevent any violations of the right by foreigners.

In the same press conference, ABU reminded Malaysians to rise up and come out to vote to overthrow Umno-BN to form a people’s government in Putrajaya.

Haris claimed that the polling date may be set on May 11 as an effort to ‘turn on sentiments to scare Malaysians’.

This is because the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein previously predicted that there might be aggressions that occur throughout the election period.

Haris explained that this is seen as an attempt to scare the people to vote for Umno-BN.

“ABU’s message – people do not fear Umno-BN. The people nowadays are not easily fooled and can procure alternative information. The spirit of uprising is clear,” he added.

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