Three Cornered Competition, PAS, PKR Resolved


KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Apr: The issue of electoral area overlap between PAS and PKR was resolved today.

This was announced by PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang today.

In today’s decision, three State Legislative Assembly (DUN) seats in Terengganu will be represented by PAS.

The three seats are for the Kota Putra DUN, Seberang Takir DUN and the Bukit Besi DUN.

Meanwhile, the other three seats; Labuan Parliament, Sungai Acheh DUN and for the Panti DUN, will be represented by PKR.

In addition, PAS will also send representatives to discuss on proposed settlement of the DUN seat overlap in Kota Damansara.

Also announced, PAS immediately sacked all members who will be contesting as Independent candidates in the 13th General Election (GE-13).

“Party members who will be contesting as independent candidates, including the proposer and the seconder will be fired immediately,” said Abdul Hadi briefly after the Central PAS Council Meeting.

Two PAS members contesting as Independent candidates are Ibrahim Ismail for the Selinsing DUN and Mugamad Bustaman Yaacob for the Guchil DUN.

Both DUNs are located in Kelantan.

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