Pakatan Will Hunt Down All Involved in the GE-13 Fraud


KELANA JAYA, 9 May: Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will find all involved in the fraud during the elections on 5 May, including Election Commission (EC) Officers who strayed and bus drivers who transported dubious voters.

“Starting this week, my friends from Pakatan Rakyat and I will focus every single second in our lives to find the thieves of our votes,” said the head of the inquiry, Rafizi Ramli.

Rafizi who is newly appointed to head the investigation of the special committee said that this effort will prove to all that there were several incidents of fraud and abuse in the GE-13.

“We will find Election Commission (EC) Officers that cheated, we will chase after bus drivers who transported foreign voters to our area.

“We will show evidence, one by one, as to why the (Prime Minister Datuk Seri) Najib’s government should be overthrown because it is an illegal government,” he said in a speech at the “The People’s Voice is a Sacred Voice”.

“I call on all Malaysians who love the country, who know the value of justice; we must reject this fraud and deception.

“I ask all Malaysians to help provide evidence so that we can challenge him in court, in the street, we will fight them in Parliament until victorious,” said Rafizi who was newly inaugurated as the Pandan Member of Parliament.

Rafizi will also collaborate with the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH) as well as Pakatan Rakyat component parties to find evidence on this obliquity.

Pakatan believes that the voting and counting process on 5 May was filled with incidents of fraud such as candidate agents being prevented from controlling the early votes and the involvement of foreigners as voters.

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