Subang Jaya Assemblywoman Remains, Hannah Committed to Solve Traffic Congestion


SUBANG JAYA, 18 May: After being elected to be the Subang Jaya Assemblywoman for the second term, Hannah Yeoh remains committed to serve the people of Subang Jaya and to focus on the problem of traffic congestion which has plagued the residents for a long time.

The construction of a Light Rail Transit System (LRT) station which is expected to be completed in the near future is hoped to be able to reduce congestion and to ease traffic flow.

“The first plan is to improve the transportation problem which causes intense traffic congestion in this area.

“We aim to reduce traffic congestion within the next five years.


“Coupled with the LRT project which is in its construction process, it is hoped that it will be used by the public to the best,” she said after the Mother’s Day Celebration here at the Bandar Sunway Community Centre this morning.

She added that she will also often hold field programmes to meet with the people to listen to their problems to be voiced out at the Assembly and Local Authority (PBT) levels.

During the celebration, Hannah also distributed flowers to over 100 residents in the area and to mingle with them as a sign of gratitude for the support given.

In the recent 13th General Election (GE-13), Hannah received 40,366 votes, defeating the BN candidate, Gan Meng Foo who received 12,297 votes by a majority of 28,069 votes overall.

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