IC Video Project: Azmin’s Officer Interrogated for 2 Hours by MCMC

KUALA LUMPUR, 4th JUNE – Saiful Asraf Idris, officer to PKR Vice President Azmin Ali has been interrogated by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission for two hours today.

After the investigation at an MCMC office at Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, Saiful was informed that the investigation was in regards to a media statement by Azmin Ali relating to IC issue in Sabah that was uploaded onto Youtube.

The MCMC officer interrogated Saiful in accordance with Section 255 of the Communication and Multimedia (1998) Act, regarding Azmin’s statement in a video titled ‘Converting to a Malay (Mahathir’s IC Project)’.

“I was made to understand that the investigation has to do with a video uploaded on Youtube.”

The investigation is a follow-up on a comment that linked it to an official statement from Azmin’s office last January.

“I am not sure if I will be called back for a second session of interrogation.”

Azmin’s Special Officer, Hilman Idham confirmed that the investigation order was sent by the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Hilman who was representing Azmin said that his team would work hard to ensure that this does not become a drawback in PKR’s efforts to spread the truth to the people despite government impediments.

“As we have expected, this investigation is a continuation from the previous one.”

“We are cooperating fully with MCMC,” he added.

Last March 13th, MCMC interrogated Azmin for up to 4 hours regarding his statement on Youtube regarding the IC Project allegedly involving former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

At the end of February, Umno released a statement denying any involvement with the issue and the video itself.

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