Dr Halimah: Over RM76 Million Given to SAR, SJKC and SJKT


SHAH ALAM, July 8: The Selangor Government has provided more than RM76 million of assistance to People’s Religious Schools (SAR), Chinese Vernacular Schools (SJKC) and Tamil Vernacular Schools (SJKT) throughout the state since 2009 till May this year.

Education, Higher Education and Human Capital Development Exco, Dr Halimah Ali said under the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES or loosely translated as the People’s Economy) agenda, the state has allocated RM16 million annually to the three types of schools.

The provision, she said, if RM6 million each to SAR and SJKC, and RM4 million to SJKT.

Dr Halimah said of RM 76,276,467.80, RM 30,227,772 has been allocated to SAR, RM 26,505,000 to SJKC and RM 19,543,695.80 to SJKT.

She said this in reply to queries by Tanjung Sepat Assemblyman, Mohd Haslin Hassan during today’s Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session here

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