Rodziah: Over 18,000 Women Joined the Free Mammogram Programme


SHAH ALAM July 8: A total of 18, 545 women from all over Selangor have undergone the breast cancer inspection or the free mammogram programme since 2010 till April this year.

Welfare and Women’s Affair Exco, Rodziah Ismail said, the programme is the Women’s Health Scheme (SKW) which was offered to all women in the state aged 35 and above to detect breast cancer.

According to her, it also targets women below 35 years who face high risk of cancer or have family with history of suffering from the disease.

“The State Government launched the SKW under the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor agenda (MES or loosely translated as the People’s Economy) with the provision of RM 1 million each year aimed at helping women receive inspection for free.

“We target for 10,000 women to receive the service per annum,” she said when answering questions from the Permatang Assemblyman, Sulaiman Abdul Razak during today’s Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session.

Women who are eligible will get special fee transportation to the locations where they will be explained to regarding healthcare and will under free cancer screenings.

They will also be taught how to carry out inspection themselves at home.

She said, the results of the inspection will immediately be conveyed to the women who have undergone the inspection.

“Women who have been diagnosed with cancer will be advised to receive follow-up treatment at a hospital, be it government or private,” she said.

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