Dr Daroyah Visits Patients of Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital


KLANG, July 23: 150 patients from the surgical, women’s and men’s ward of Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital received 150 boxes of dates in conjunction with the Ramadan month.

Executive Councillor in charge of Health, Entrepreneur Development, Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Daroyah Alwi said that the contribution is one of the methods to bring leaders closer to the people.

“This contribution of dates comes from the State Government. This is one way, as a new Exco, to bring myself closer to the community, including hospital patients.

“For today, we are only distributing it (dates) to three wards. Insyaallah (God willing), next time we would give it to all wards,” she told reporters after distributing the boxes of dates.

Also present was the Deputy Director of the Hospital, Dr Zainab Ramli.

At the event, among those who also received the contribution of dates were the hospital staffs at the three wards.

In addition to distributing dates, Daroyah, who is also the assemblywoman for Sementa, also took the opportunity to visit the patients.

During the visit, the wife of a kidney patient who only wants to be known as Ha Bin, 70, was overwhelmed by Daroyah’s visit.

Ha Bin, who loyally cares for her husband, Seau Swee Pin, 70, who has been suffering from kidney disease since six years ago, shed tears when they received the visit.

“I feel overwhelmed because before this, no one came to visit us. Thank you YB for visiting us,” she said crying.

In addition, Asiah Hassan, 67, said that the State Government’s attentiveness should be commended for taking time to visit patients and to distribute Ramadan contributions.

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