PKR Insists to Sever Diplomatic Relations with the Egyptian Military Government


SHAH ALAM, August 15: The Malaysian Government should sever diplomatic ties with Egypt’s military regime in protest against injustice, the violation of human rights and the people’s freedom.

PKR Communications Director, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said that the world community should emulate the Turkish and Tunisian governments which strongly condemn the military coup and the Egyptian military violence.

“PKR strongly condemns the killing of hundreds of supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the legitimate President of Egypt, which is being carried out by the country’s military,” he said in a media statement today.

Nik Nazmi said that violence cannot be justified to resolve political disputes and acts of the military regime in undermining efforts to achieve peace.

“Most of the Western governments are remaining silent, especially the United States which continued to recognise the illegal regime and is providing billions of dollars in military aid to allow for this unfortunate tragedy to carry on.

“This strengthens the view of the Western rhetoric about democracy which will always be excluded in legitimate Islamic movement.

“The result is increased tensions in ties and radicalisation of religion in the world,” he said.

PKR Information Chief, Dr Muhammad Nur Maunty said that Malaysia should at least call the official ambassador of the Egyptian government to provide explanation for the violence.

He said that the move is necessary for the Malaysian government to show official protest against the tyranny of the Egyptian military regime, thus avoiding a civil war in that country.

“The Malaysian Government need to work together with the international (Muslim) community to find a way to resolve and end the violence in Egypt,” he said when contacted by TVSelangor.

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