People’s Tribunal: Native Man Admits Being Paid RM20 to Vote for BN


SUBANG JAYA, 20 Sept: An individual received RM20 to vote for BN, but the remainder RM80 has not been paid till now, said a native man to the People’s Tribunal.

Norman son of Kong from Kuala Lipis, Pahang, informed that Barisan Nasional (BN) made a lot of promises during the election which has not come to pass.

“They have said things like BN promises to help make roads and house if we support them,” he said, adding that the promises were then broken.

Norman admits that he was only paid RM20 despite being promised RM80 is he voted for BN, but it was just added up to another promise not kept.

“Palanivel arrived in a helicopter and promised to build our roads if we voted for BN.

“Palanivel said that if we did not vote for BN, government services, including medical services, will not be provided.

“The villagers were told that if we voted for BN, we will receive RM1,200 of the BR1M rather than the RM500,” Norman said.

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