“I Wasn’t Trying To Be A Hero – I Was Fighting For Human Rights.”


“I wasn’t trying to to be a hero. I was only fighting for human rights,” said N. Surendran of his action raising question about a custodial death in the Parliament yesterday.

He said it was done in defence of the victims’ family, while urging the government to take stern actions against those who were responsible.

“I don’t want to be a hero but I’ve been fighting about custodial deaths for 15 years.

“Everyone knows it is somewhat a personal battle with me,” said the Padang Serai MP during a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.

Yesterday, the PKR Vice-President was ordered out immediately by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Amin Mulia Tan Sri Pandukar, on grounds that he ‘failed to respect the more senior members of the Parliament’.

At the press conference, Surendran said he had used the 14 F provision that allows petitions to be brought up before the House of Commons question and answer session.

Surendran said the petition of appeal was raised after Karuna Nithi s/o Palani Velu died in police custody on June 1st.The doctor had confirmed there were 49 signs of beatings on the victim’s body.

Earlier, there was a commotion when the victim’s family tried to enter the location of the press conference but the Parliament security officials had intervened.

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