Minister Asked to be Honest Concerning Price of Sugar and Flour


Conflicting statements from the Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, Hasan Malek, regarding the increase in price of essential goods such as sugar and flour has been strongly criticised by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Assemblyman for Seri Setia, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, has asked the Umno-BN Minister to not flip-flop and to honestly tell the people the truth.

He was responding to a report by Utusan Malaysia on 20 September which said that Hassan has asked Malaysians to not believe news that the Umno-BN Government intends to reduce subsidies on flour and sugar.

Not long after the statement, yesterday (6 October), it was reported in the New Straits Times that Hasan said the increase in price of sugar and flour is likely as a result of cutting down subsidies by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s Government.

“So I want to ask Hasan, will subsidies for flour and sugar be reduced or not?” he asked.

Nik Nazmi, who is also the Deputy Speaker for the Selangor State Assembly, asked the Central Government to explain why corporate subsidies are not being reduced to address the highlighted economic issues.

“Pakatan does not reject in total the reduction of subsidies. However, what is being disputed to this day is why subsidies for the people often being reduced first compared to corporate subsidies?” he said.

The young PKR leader also said it is rational for subsidies to be implemented simultaneously with efforts to stem money laundering and corruption which is getting worse and causing the country to have economic problems.

“The Government often uses the fiscal deficit to cut subsidies to the people. However, it is clear that the Government if facing a deficit in confidence,” he stressed.

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