Azmin: The State Government Has Only Received 18 Percent from Federal Government Reserves

SHAH ALAM, 21 Nov: The State Government has only received RM364 million from the allocated RM67 billion which has apparently been channelled by the Federal Government for the development and advancement of Selangor.

The RM 364 million is only 18 percent of the total RM 67 billion which was announced by the Kota Belud Parliament member, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan in the previous House of Representatives sitting.

Today, Bukit Antarabangsa Assemblyman, Azmin Ali claimed that Abdul Rahman’s statement was a propaganda played by Umno-BN to mislead the people of Selangor because it involves a large amount of funds.

“After checking with the Selangor Office of State Treasury, it is evidently different from what was stated.”

“However, should Umno-BN’s claim regarding the allocation be correct, the State Government would have to ask for the list of Federal projects worth RM 67 billion to be inspected and audited.”

“The people of Selangor have the right to know how it (the funds) has been channeled, who had received the project, what was the cost and whether it was transparent as well as whether it was an open tender?”

“I request the State Government to appoint an honest auditor to carry out the auditing. However, I am certain it is a lie,” he said to the media outside the State Assembly (DNS) hall today.

Azmin recapped his statement regarding the announcement at the 2013 Budget debate in the Selangor State Assembly hall.

He said that the Umno-BN theatrics can also be seen in their promise to build the third bridge in Klang.

He added that the project was launched by the ex-Works Minister, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu three days before the 12th General Elections (GE-12) and he had promised to begin works four months after the launching.

“However, we can see that till now, nothing has been done. Instead, they are (now) promising to build a fourth bridge in the same city,” he said.

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