Plagiarism: Teresa Urges for Action Against Ridhuan Tee

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Nov: The Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and the Malaysian National Defence University (UPNM) have been urged to take plagiarism action against lecturer, Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah.

The call was made by the Member of Parliament for Seputeh, Teresa Kok and Senator Dr Ariffin Omar, in a media session at the Parliament lobby today.


Teresa said that she was disappointed by the action by the ministry and UPNM for not caring about the complaint made by MIC Youth Chief, Vel Paari, on 8 March and in his speech at the Dewan Rakyat session on 7 November.

“The Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and the university should be concerned about quality, academic performance and also the behaviour of lecturers in local universities.

“In addition, responsible parties must take heed of all complaints against members of the academia who have no quality or have improper behaviour in local public institutes if higher learning, especially public universities,” he said.

Teresa revealed evidence of Ridhuan Tee’s plagiarism in an English language paper to meet the Skills Assessment Course (PTK4), for the Grade DS 51 Lecturer Group Series 1/2010, from 24 May till 4 June 2010.


Ridhuan Tee was found to copy the original article from Dr Airil Yasreen Mohd Yassin on his website ‘Airil Sementok’, including grammatical errors in the article and it is understood that the writing contributed to Tee’s promotion from senior lecturer to Associate Professor in UPNM.

Meanwhile, Senator Dr Ariffin, who is also a former lecturer of UPNM stated that he had asked a question about plagiarism at the Dewan Rakyat.

The Minister of Education and Higher Education, in an answer, informed that they take this matter seriously, in addition to stripping the degree for the misconduct of plagiarism and academic fraud under Section 73 of the University Constitution.

In addition, provisions of punishment for anyone guilty of tarnishing the reputation of the university, including plagiarism and research fraud, will be brought under the Disciplinary Board and Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) 2000.

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