‘The Delayed Martyr’ Among the Recipients of the Maulidur Rasul Special Award

SHAH ALAM, 14 Jan: Receiving the Maulidur Rasul (Birth of the Prophet) Award is not just a common pride; instead the award is to inspire the people to serve all humans.


Nur Azlina Abdul Aziz, 52, the mother of the recipient of the Saidina Ali Award, the late Ahmad Ammar Shmad Azam, was honoured when her son’s story opened the eyes of young people to fight in the way of Islam as well conducting works that reach out to the community and preaching.

The late Ahmad Amar was an individual who was active in volunteer work for the people of Rohingya, Klang, the Global Peace Mission (GPM) for the Ukhuwah Fil Cambodia Charity and a assistance volunteer to Syria.

He was a student at the Turkish Marmara University who possessed exceptional talent when he mastered the Risale-i Nur by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in just eight months, surprising Turkish citizens because the piece of work takes long to master.


Nicknamed ‘The Delayed Martyr’, he was killed in a road accident during his journey to his teaching place.

Ahmad Amar received the honour to be scattered at the cemetery with Abu Ayub Al-Ansari, the friends of the Prophet and Auliya in Turkey.


“Since he was young he was involved in charity and community work on his own interest and encouragement from the family.

“As servants of Allah on this earth, our responsibility is not just for our own sake, but we must also do things for the community,” said Azlina.

Azlina, who was present with her daughter, received the cash award of RM5,000 on behalf of the late Ammar.

She said this when she was met right after the Selangor Maulidur Rasul Celebration for 1435AH which was inaugurated by DYMM the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.


The recipient of the Umar Abdul Aziz Award, Datuk Dr Yahya Baba, 59, said that the leadership and integrity of Islamic figures, especially the Prophet’s companions, should be emulated for the benefit of the whole community.

“Good leadership is not just practiced at the workplace, but it must also be implemented in the local community.

“This is important to allow the community closest to us to benefit from our good leadership that adheres to the teachings of Islam,” said Dr Yahya who received RM15,000 for the award he received.


Also receiving an award was Dr Salasiah Hanin Hamjah, who received the Saidatina Khadijah Award with a cash prize of RM10,000.

For the Special Award, the recipient, the late Sergeant Sabaruddin Daud and Corporal Azrul Tukiran each received RM10,000 and was represented by their respective families.

Each recipient was also given, each, a trophy, a certificate of appreciation and a set of clothing.

The event which was held at the Melawati Stadium was also graced by the attendance of the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, and his wife, Puan Sri Salbiah Tunut, as well as the Director of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS), Marzuki Hussin.

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