BERSIH 2.0 Launches DART to Explain the Redelineation Issue

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Feb: The people are invited to visit the Delineation Action and Research Team (DART) roadshow to learn about the issue of the election delineation in preparation for their respective electoral areas.

The BERSIH 2.0 Chairperson, Maria Chin Abdullah, said that the delineation to be executed by the Election Commission will determine the outcome of the 14th General Election.


Maria said that the largely unchallenged delineations of the past, which poorly represented and reflected the people’s will, are one of the major problems in the issue of electoral reform.

“The Federal Constitution; Schedule 13 allows for objections to the EC’s proposed boundaries from affected voters if there is a representation of 100 or more of them.

“So we must make use of this opportunity given to us if we want election results that truly reflect the aspirations of the people,” she said.

Maria said that the project will begin with the launch on 9 March (Sunday) in Petaling Jaya, followed by a nation-wide tour in major cities.

The DART roadshow will be in Penang on 30 March.

Fann, who is also BERSIH 2.0 southern peninsula vice-chairperson, said there will be a DART roadshow, which consists of a townhall meeting in major cities to introduce delineation of electoral boundaries, why it is important and how it has affected election results of the past.

“Crucially, the meetings will also serve to identify a core team of five to 10 dedicated volunteers to form the DART team, who will organise and lead the 100+ voter representation in their constituencies,” added Fann.

“The core teams will also be trained in workshops where resources, from legal and electoral know-how to the necessary maps that can illuminate local conditions on the ground, will be provided to strengthen their objections,” he said.

The full details of the DART project and roadshow will be available on the BERSIH 2.0 website on 22 February, 2014.

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