BN Sabotages National Peace, Increases Racial Tension

SHAH ALAM, 5: A year after the 13th General Election (GE13), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) said that Barisan Nasional (BN) ‘successfully’ implemented their manifesto in efforts to increase the people’s burden, especially in terms of price increases.

This was reinforced with racial sentiment which is being fuelled by non-governmental organisations (NGO) without decisive action from the authorities.

The Member of Parliament for Padang Serai, N Surendran, said that not only did BN fail to deliver on promises, but also failed to run the country fairly, transparently and peacefully.


“Not only did BN make all the prices of goods go up, but in other way like racial tension and religious issues that are becoming widespread due to their actions and NGOs under (their) control.

“This situation seemingly reflects that they want to sabotage peace in the country and continuously cause tension so that they remain ruling this country,” he told Selangor Kini today.

He said that within a year after the GE13, the re-appointment of BN to lead the country has not provided significant benefits, but a worsening situation.

An example of the BN manifesto in the GE13 is for the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) to be increased to RM1,200 for households and RM600 for singles.

However, what happened is that BR1M for families amount to around RM450 to RM650, while for singles, it is RM300.


Apart from that, the promise for car prices to be lowered from 20 to 30 percent in stages by reviewing the National Automotive Policy (NAP) is still pending.

What Malaysians are facing, post GE13, is the increase in price of goods and electricity tariff.

The burdening situation is reinforced by the presence of the implementation of the GST, when the people’s income has failed to be increased, in April 2015.

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