The Bible issue : MB to call for Exco, MAIS & Legal Advisors to decide

SHAH ALAM, 15 JUNE: Selangor government will take note of the statement issued by Chairman of Selangor Religious Council (MAIS) Datuk Adzib Mohd Isa regarding the confiscation of the Malay and Iban version of the Bible belonging to the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM).


Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said he has requested State Government Secretary, Datuk Mohamed Khusrin Munawi to call for a meeting involving State Mufti Datuk Seri Setia Mohd Tamyes Abd. Wahid, State Exco in charge of Religious Affairs Salehin Mukhyi, State Law Advisor, Datuk Nik Suhaimi Nik Sulaiman as well as representatives from MAIS and Selangor Islamic Religious Department(JAIS) next week.

“The state government will find a solution before meeting with DYMM Selangor Sultan for the final decision,” said the Chief Minister in a media statement.

The Attorney-General has decided to close and put an end to the BSM issue because there is no case to be charge in court and advised the State Government to follow proper procedures according to law when it comes to handling materials confiscated from BSM.

The state government then requested JAIS to get advice from Salehin and Datuk Nik Suhaimi regarding procedures and proper action to be taken according to the law.

Previously, MAIS in a statement said they do not agree with the Attorney-General’s decision to put an end to the case and claims the state government has no authority to instruct JAIS to return the confiscated materials back to BSM.

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