Al-Qassam Brigade the pulse of liberating A-Quds

SHAH ALAM, 28 July: The Al-Qassam Brigade became the backbone of Palestinian uprising to overthrow the Israeli regime which is increasingly killing innocent people.

For decades the people of Palestine have been victims of Israeli atrocities; however the Al-Qassam’s success to bombard the Israeli army until there were captives and forcing a temporary ceasefire clearly pleased the residents of Gaza.


Although it is the beginning of the uprising against the invaders of the beloved country, the people of Palestine give full credence to this masked fighters who restored their dignity, thus continuing the struggle inherited by the Palestinian Independence Fighter, Yasser Arafat.

A Malaysian student in Gaza, Muhammad Nadir Al-Nuri Kamaruzaman, said that the people continue to give strong support to the fighters who have been declared as terrorists by western leaders.

“Al-Qassam’s strength in this war prevails. The community is strongly giving support to Al-Qassam and are with them till the last drop of blood,” he told Selangor Kini today.

He said that when Al-Qassam managed to capture several Israeli soldiers, the locals were clearly happy with the news as they have been victims of the Israeli regime for a long time.

“In the silence of the night, the people waited for Israeli attacks. Suddenly, they heard shouts, cheers and celebration. Also shots from Kalashnikovs.

“As though Aqsa was released. Apparently, a soldier was kidnapped. The response did not just come from Gaza, but also the West Bank and other places.

“Announcements came from mosques and increased the flagging morale,” said the second-year student taking his second Shariah degree at The University of Gaza.

The Al-Qassam is a wing of the Hamas military, led by Palestinian leaders like Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Dr Ibrahim Al-Maqadema and Sheikh Salah Shehada in 1984.

The Al-Qassam name is in honour of a martyr who died near Jenin in 1935, Ezzedeen Al-Qassam.

The elite brigade comprises of young people aged 30 years and below only.

The main objective of the establishment of Al-Qassam is to defend the holy land of Palestine from Israel, to free Palestinian land and all land seized in the West Bank, as well as to strengthen the spirit of jihad among Palestinians.


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