Saiful misses the excitement of Raya at Kampung Chubadak, no more warmth is felt

KUALA LUMPUR, 29 July: Saiful Asyraf and his family felt sad and wistful reminiscing the joy of Hari Raya Aidilfitri at Kampung Chubadak Tambahan which he experienced since birth.

What is sadder during this Aidilfitri, Saiful, 27, and his family did not just lose their shelter, but they could not prepare for Hari Raya like wearing new Baju Melayu, especially for his younger brothers, aged four and two, who are still schooling.


“The new house is difficult. At our previous home, we only had to pay for electricity and water; we did not have to pay rent. This Raya I can say it is empty. After deducting rent and other payments, our pockets are empty, so there is no more money for Raya expenses.

“There is no preparation for Raya a all. There is no Raya clothing for me and my younger siblings, not even one for the youngest sibling who is two years old. Even the house is small.

“This times Aidilfitri is indeed sad, reminiscing the house we build with our sweat. Memories of floods and other things. This is the second house demolished by DBKL, but the first time we are celebrating Raya without a house,” he said when contacted by Selangor Kini recently.

Saiful, who is also the eldest child, said that he and his family had to temporarily rent a house at the housing area in Goimbak at RM700 a month.

Saiful, who is now runs a small business to help support his family of nine siblings, said that apart from Raya, the atmosphere during the Ramadan month was also different.

“My father is already 60 years old and he is just beginning to recover from a recent stroke. He certainly cannot do heavy work and walk far.

“At Kampung Chubadak, we exchanged food and broke fast together with the Tarawih prayers being done 21 cycles, alternating with the Tazkirah. But at this new place, it is different. The neighbours are busy with their own things, in fact the Tarawih is done only eight cycles and nothing is felt here during the fasting.


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