Speaking Uyghur in Xinjinag will be suppressed; China wants to strip the Turkistan identity

SHAH ALAM, 29 July: The identity and culture practiced by the Uyghur ethnicity in the province of Xinjiang, China, is being slowly stripped bit by bit by the republican government as a form of oppression against the tribe.

The Executive Councillor of the Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (ABIM), Mohd Khairul Anwar Ismail, said that after the colonisation of the Communist in Turkistan, the China government mad it mandatory for the Ughyur community to speak Chinese, and in fact, the education syllabus was converted to the local language.


He said that the Chinese government’s policy which is gripping caused the position of the race to be compromised, in fact the eradication of the ethnicity is also being done.

“Whoever speaks Uyghur will be suppressed because the Chinese government wasnts to get rid of the Turkistan identity from the republic.

“If you oppress your own people, what more to other races. That is why when we look at the people in China, they usually do not dare to challenge the government.

“Their lives are more individual,” he said in a special interview with Selangor Kini recently.

Meanwhile, the Vice President of ABIM, Mohammad Raimi Ab Rahim, said that not only is the Uyghur ethnicity excluded from practicing religion, but other religions, like Christianity, has also been criticised by the Chinese government.

He said that the Chinese republic in general has already drafter a regulation in 2005 to regulate all religions to ensure that it does not threaten the security and create a sense of disharmony in the country.

“Oppression does not happen to Islam only, but also other religions in general.

“It is related to the political and cultural issue, but in this context, is it because they are accused of being separatists or different in terms of culture, so do we just close our eyes to the oppression happening to either Muslims or other ethnic groups in China?” he asked.


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