Individuals who leaked the UPSR questions are traitors to the country – Fuziah

SHAH ALAM, 12 Sept: The Education Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, has been urged to resign following the incident where the questions for the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) were leaked.

The Member of Parliament for Kuantan, Fuziah Salleh, said that it is not only embarrassing, but it destroys the integrity of the country’s educational institution which has been touted as the best in the world.

As the minister responsible, she said that Muhyiddin cannot run and just point his finger at others.

“Due to the postponement of this paper, the government is forced to incur additional costs, reprint, transportation costs, payment to examiners and invigilators as well as other costs.

“Also the effect on other things, like planning family vacation, has to be interrupted, the teachers have to go to class and teach again,” she said, quoted from her Facebook page.

On September 10, the questions for the UPSR Science paper was found to have been leaked, followed by the English Language paper, which was sat for by candidates yesterday morning, had to also be cancelled.

The Ministry of Education announced that the two papers will be postponed to September 30.

Commenting further, Fuziah urged for the government to detect the cause of this incident and ensure that it will not be repeated in future.

“The person who leaked these questions is a traitor to the country, race and religion,” she said


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