The last ‘selfie’ of a family of five went viral on social networking sites

SHAH ALAM, 5 Oct: Several last ‘selfie’ pictures of a family of five that was in an accident yesterday became viral on social networking sites.

Among them, the PenMerah [dot] com website uploaded the status and shared the pictures with over 3,000 users so far and received over 60000 ‘likes’.

In addition, the Star TV Sports site featured the same picture which was shared by over 3,000 users, with over 30,000 ‘likes’.

There were many comments that linked the act of taking ‘selfies’ with inviting danger, causing the fatal accident. However, the act of taking ‘selfies’ is not the cause of the accident.

The authorities confirmed that the accident happened due to a trailer in the right lane lost control and crashed into a trailer in front, which then crashed into six other cars, including the victim’s car.

The accident at kilometre 256 of the North-South Expressway heading North after the Menora Tunnel took place at 11.30 am yesterday involving two trailers and six cars.

The victims, Norhayati Wook, 50, and Siti Yuslianis Roslan, 20 died at the scene from severe injuries to the head, while the three other siblings suffered minor injuries.

The driver, Muhammad Yusriman, 23, when met by reporters at the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital could not stop saying “I’m sorry mom” sadly because he felt guilty over the incident.

He and his brother, Muhammad Yusrizal, 25, suffered minor injuries, while their sister, Siti Yusliana, 12, suffered cuts to her heel.

Meanwhile, the Kuala Kangsar District Police Chief, ACP Ghuzlan Salleh, said that the driver of the trailer, who is in his 40s, is being detained for further investigation as well as urine and blood tests.

The incident is being investigated under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.


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