CM: Letter to urge Putrajaya to disclose water agreement next week

HULU KELANG, 6 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, will write a letter next week to Putrajaya for them to agree to disclose the contents of the water restructuring agreement.

He said that this move is needed because it involves the interests of water consumers in Selangor as the document was placed under the Official Secrets Act 1972 (OSA).

“I will write a letter next week to urge the Federal Government to agree that this agreement must be open to the public, especially the citizens and consumers in Selangor, so that we know the contents of what was agreed by both parties.

“Because it is understood that this agreement was placed under the OSA, that is why I am writing a letter to obtain the consent of the Federal Government,” he said during the Aidiladha celebration with the people in Hulu Kelang.

He explained that he had received a briefing by Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) last week, but has yet to have the opportunity to review the agreement which was signed.

In his statement last week, Mohamed Azmin said that the State Government does not have a copy of the water agreement signed by the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, with the Federal Government three weeks ago.


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