Accused of conveying heresy, PAS sues Ku Nan

SHAH ALAM, 4 Nov: PAS has decided to take legal action against the Umno Secretary, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, who reportedly claimed that PAS is a party conveying heresy.

The decision was confirmed the PAS Legal Bureau Chairman, Hanipa Maidin, who is also the Member of Parliament for Sepang.


He said that a warrant will be sent to Tengku Adnan this week or next, demanding the Federal Territories Minister to apologise for the statement made.

“We will give him 48 hours to retract the statement and apologise. I looked at his speech in detail and he definitely accused us,” he said, quoted from Malaysia Kini.

Tengku Adnan reportedly made the accusation during the closing speech of the National Multaqa, Umno Religious Bureau, in the capital, on November 2 and claimed that Umno is a Malay party which ensures that the faith of Muslims in Malaysia is maintained.


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