Mud flood: 48 families involved not 28, Pahang Government should be more concerned

CAMERON HIGHLANDS, 10 Nov: The Pahang government should be more concerned about helping the 48 flood victims in Ringlet recently and not just focus on 28 families, as recorded by the Social Welfare Department (JKM).

The Selangor State Exco for Health, Welfare, Women’s Affairs and Family, Dr Daroyah Alwi, said that her survey found that many disaster victims have not received enough assistance.


She said that the efforts by the Selangor Quick Response Team (PANTAS) in helping the flood victims would hopefully open the eyes of all parties so that they will be more aggressive in helping flood victims.

“We ask responsible parties, agencies and the state government to give them assistance and not leave them flailing alone.

“Because from what we have seen, although there has been some assistance, they have not been assisted enough,” said Dr Daroyah after presenting contributions to flood victims at Kampung Baru Ringlet yesterday.


Meanwhile, the PANTAS Operations Chief, Azwan Ramli, also confirmed the matter.

“PANTAS found that there is no specific assistance which should be directly from the Pahang government to flood victims.

“What PANTAS found is that victims were differentiated by whoever registered at the operations office only. This looks like double standards.

“If we check with the Social Welfare Department, there are only 28 families when there are actually over 40 families,” said Azwan.

The PANTAS Chief, Hamsah Djabir, said that among the assistance given includes RM2,000 to the Local Disaster Committee, food items, electrical kettles and blankets to each family involved.

“We are sure that this small amount is not enough to help in bad damages, but it at least can lighten their burden,” she said.

Apart from PANTAS, also handing over assistance to flood victims here is the PAS Charity Department with the strength of at least 10 volunteers.


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