CM announces additional bonus of half a month’s salary

SHAH ALAM, 24 Nov: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, announced a bonus of half a month’s salary to the civil servants of Selangor.

Mohamed Azmin said that the year-end bonus will be carried out to help civil servants make preparation for their children’s schooling session.


He said that however, the bonus of half a month’s salary will be given after the bonus of a month’s salary was given during the last Aidilfitri celebration.

“An efficient and strong government is the result of synergy and collaboration of public administration.

“This bonus will be carried based on their (civil servants) contribution in implementing the state government’s policies professionally and with integrity,” he said.

He said this during the Selangor Budget 2015 speech which took place at the Selangor State Assembly today.

He said that the bonus will be given to appreciate the contributions of civil servants who manage and help coordinate various sectors of administration and development in the state.

The Bonus will be paid this December 18.


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