The people of Kelantan are overwhelmed, Selangor government extends assistance quickly

KOTA BHARU, 26 Dec: The majority of the people in Kelantan are overwhelmed and appreciated the concerns of the Selangor government, which quickly extended assistance to the flood victims in the state.

Mohd Nori Ahmad, 53, said that the contribution has great significance, especially to the people who are placed in evacuation centres across Kelantan.

He said that the terrible flooding was not expected and is the worst to hit the state since 10 years ago.


“Thank you very much YAB Mohamed Azmin and the Selangor government for the donation to the flood victims in the state.

“My own house was flooded to almost knee-height, however it is still stable and we have not been evacuated.

“I hope that the Kelantan government can allocate funds well, especially to those who are in evacuation centres first,” he said when met today.

For Sharifah Mariam Syed Alwi, 67, Mohamed Azmin’s willingness to visit the evacuation centres is very meaningful to the flood victims.

“Thank God, may Allah bless the Selangor government for their contribution and concern given to the flood victims in Kelantan.

“This donation will cover some of the flood victims’ losses due to this test (of God). I am proud that the Selangor Chief Minister personally visited,” he said.


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