CM: It is time PR states closely cooperate with BN states, Federal Government

KUANTAN, 31 Dec: Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state governments have been urged to strengthen ties with the Federal Government and also other states led by Barisan Nasional (BN) to foster the principles and practices of good democracy in the country.

The Chief Minister of Selangor, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that the effort must be done in the interest of the people in various issues such as humanitarianism, economy and education.


“I have said in the keynote speech during the opening of the Keadilan Youth and Women’s Congress a year ago that it is time PR, as a dominant party in Malaysian politics, particularly in Kelantan, Penang and Selangor, initiated efforts and approaches to see eye to eye with the Federal Government and other states in Malaysia, especially in the areas of economy, education and social issues for the benefit of the people.

“Therefore, state governments, Selangor particular, which has recorded good financial and economic performance should demonstrate a pro-active attitude, not only to the people of this state, but also show compassion and sympathy to people in other states.

“If we show an example in positive leadership, it can nourish democratic principles and practices in the country,” he told Selangor Kini.


Mohamed Azmin said that the Federal Government should be responsible in extending financial assistance to the states involved in this terrible natural disaster.

“In the context of today’s scenario, where some states have experienced severe flooding in a long time, I think that the Federal Government is responsible for immediately extending financial assistance to rebuild areas involved, especially in Kelantan, Terengganu and parts of Pahang because the scale of the destruction was so severe and homes were destroyed, while some we completely destroyed.

“I think that the Federal Government is responsible to cooperate with state governments. In addition, I urge the Federal Government to forge long-term measures to address the flood issues, especially drainage systems, while rivers should be deepened and widened because it gives a positive impact when flooding recurs and also preparation in facing floods,” he said.

Previously, Mohamed Azmin announced to extend financial assistance to the governments of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Perak to help the affected people in the state face the effects of destruction caused by the floods.

Mohamed Azmin also instructed local authorities in Selangor to go to the states involved to carry out post-flooding clean-up.


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