CM: Make sure light switches are turned off before leaving the office

SHAH ALAM, 26 Jan: Public servants have been reminded to be prudent by ensuring that all unused electrical appliances are turned off before leaving the office to avoid wastage.

The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that even though this is a small move, it affects the overall savings in the management expenditure.


He said that he wants the involvement of all for the success of the campaign to conserve the usage of utilities in services at every department.

“So it, even though it is a small measure to help contribute to savings,” he said during the Government Departments Monthly Assembly at the Silver Jubilee Hall today.

The ‘Saya Mula” (I’ll Start) campaign has been mobilised at every government department to educate public servants to save in using electricity, water and telecommunications while on duty.

He said that each department should explore new techniques and technologies to maximise productivity.

“Selangor has a smart public administration and every year, it has emerged as the most developed state and a major contributor to the country’s GDP.

“We should not be complacent, the challenges today are getting bigger and we cannot compromise with inefficiencies in the administration,” he said.


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